week 9

This week’s blog, I wanted to explore a specific branch in the korean culture, particularly applying to females and perhaps a small percentage of males too. Its … plastic surgery.

Korea apparently upholds a reputation as the cosmetic surgery super power, in comparison to many celebrities specifically the Asian dominance, koreans have a high profile status of undergoing many physical procedures in order gain “fame and beauty”. Although even regular people have under gone the knife in order to believe they will look “prettier”. Some of the most common procedures are lips, noses and eyelids, why? In order to “westernize” their looks by inflaming the lips to create a pout, to raise nose ridges so eliminate flat noses and enlarging the eyes by cutting and tucking away some of the eyelid.

eyelid surgeries, the before and after

According to a reliable source, approximately “…50% of Korean women have tried some kind of plastic surgeries in their 20’s.”. It has become so common that even korean girls in Australia fall to peer pressure, Korean general practitioners in Australia have developed many practices that offer these surgeries. Although quite commonly, girls decide to just fly over to korea and get the procedures done there. After a brief interview with a Korean exchange student, I asked her what her opinion was,keeping in mind that she has been in Australia for only 4 months.

“There’s nothing wrong with a girl changing her looks in order to make herself feel better, its not different to putting on makeup or buying expensive clothes, they make you feel happier so whats wrong with surgery.” “Yes but surgery is permanent, of course its different to make up! you can get rid of it at the end of the day”. “True but again, if they want it and know the risks then by all it means, go for it.” “How common is it amongst your circle of friends?” “Oh very! When we graduated from high school, most of my friends got plastic surgery as a gift from their parents, if we’re lucky sometimes we can get them on our birthdays!”.

the massive transformations

Despite being deemed as the “cosmetic superpower”, Korea has had a lot of negativity for it as well, even the infamous talk show host, Oprah Winfrey did a segment in 2004 stating negative claims against plastic surgery amongst koreans. This sought of cultural understanding could be misinterpreted between Australians and Koreans, creating friction within their communities.

a typical korean girl physique, the body and looks most hope for.

Oprah’s plastic surgery comment sparks uproar in Korean-American community

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